9 peaceful ways to support PALESTINE

Palestinian Mother, Nakba, Palestine, Falastin

A Palestinian Mother and her child during Al Nakba, 1948

I’m back to blogging after a long break. I thought that what better to begin with a post on how to peacefully support Palestine. It’s been a long three months and 75 years for the Palestinians and for us on the outside, we are going half mad dealing with everythings that comes with witnessing a genocide in real time.

Humanity is going through such a major historical event and many of us are struggling with how we can be useful so that we are not being enablers of the genocide, oppression, white supremacy and colonialism.

It’s crucial to remember that our actions, no matter how small, can collectively make a significant impact. Being informed and spreading awareness is the first step. Understanding the historical context and the current situation in Palestine helps in making informed decisions and having meaningful conversations.

Here are 9 peaceful ways we can help our friends in Palestine!

1. Educate Yourself and Others

Take the time to read books, watch documentaries, and follow credible news sources that provide in-depth coverage of the situation in Palestine.

Share this knowledge with your friends, family, and community. Organize or participate in informational sessions.

2. Engage in Constructive Dialogue

Engage in conversations with empathy and respect, even when viewpoints differ.

Use your platforms, be it social media, blogs, or community groups, to raise awareness about the issues faced by Palestinians.

3. Volunteer Your Time and Skills

Look for organizations that work directly with Palestinian communities and see how you can contribute with your skills, whether it's through teaching, medical aid, or any other professional service.

4. Join Solidarity Marches for Palestine

Participating in peaceful marches and demonstrations is a powerful way to show solidarity. These events help raise public awareness and can influence policymakers. Use these events as an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations who are also working towards supporting Palestine. Community is EVERYTHING.

5. Cultural Exchange and Support

Engage with Palestinian culture through its cuisine, art, music, and literature. This not only helps in understanding and appreciating their rich heritage but also in breaking down stereotypes and misconceptions.

6. Boycott Brands Supporting Israeli Policies

Align with the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement by avoiding products and services from companies that support Israeli policies in Palestine. Research and identify these brands, and consider alternative products that align with your values. Check whattoboycott.org or bdnaash.com

‼️ Share this information within your network to encourage others to make informed purchasing decisions.

7. Support Palestinian Businesses in the West Bank

Investing in Palestinian businesses directly supports the local economy and helps in sustaining communities. Look for opportunities to buy products made in Palestine, whether locally or through online platforms. Promote these businesses in your circles and on social media to boost their visibility and reach.

8. Donate

There are many reputable organizations to donate too and here are three that I trust:

- Pious Projects
- Islamic Relief
- Doctors without borders

These three are dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and support to Palestinian communities.

Before donating, research their initiatives and contribute financially to causes that resonate with you.

Remember, no amount is too small; regular small contributions can also make a significant impact over time.

9. Dare to Check Your Privilege

Recognizing and acknowledging your privilege is a crucial step in understanding and addressing global issues. Privilege comes in many forms – economic, social, cultural – and understanding your own can help you use it to support others.
Use your position of privilege to amplify marginalized voices, support causes that matter, and make a difference in your community and beyond.

Final Thoughts

Remember, action is a POWERFUL antidote to despair. While it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of what we are facing, each step we take towards supporting justice and human rights contributes to a larger change. As you continue your journey of advocacy and support, stay connected with those who share your commitment to making a difference. Together, we can be a force for positive change in the world ❤️🤲🏽🍉🇵🇸

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